Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bloodsuckers: Page 1

Without further ado, here is the first page of my comic!

(^Go to the link!)


Nathaniel said...

THE LINK DON'T WORK! But still, it is le awesome. I pat you on the back. *Pat's John on the back.)

(The code required for the posting of this was fologive.)

Dibsy said...


Tracer Bullet said...

Too short. From what you've told me about the story I think you could have fit a bit more into that. Just my personal opinion.

L.T. John said...

In response to Calvin, this is page one, le premier page, page numero uno. No comic books have huge amounts of info on the first page.

Nathaniel said...

I kind of have to agree. Though some comics do have info on the first page, it's really about the mood your trying to set.

Coady said...

batman usually explains the crime on the first page!

Coady said...

... did i kill the mood?